Need Help?
Please contact us if you're experiencing some technical issues with Mimika or want to know more
After purchasing, you will receive a letter with detailed instructions on how to log in to the app with your unique access code. If you didn't receive the letter, please check your spam folder and make sure that you're checking the email that you used for purchasing
Following the instructions in the "Welcome" email, you'll need to download the Mimika app from either the AppStore or Google Play. Then input your credentials, and that’s it! Your Personal Program will be waiting for you in the app
We offer a money-back guarantee, which allows you to receive your money back if you do not achieve any results with your Personal Program
You may need to log in to the app again. Please ensure that you’re using the email that you've registered with and the credentials from the “Welcome” email that was sent to you after the payment
Just contact us via the email below. We will provide you with more detailed information, and cancel or pause your subscription, if needed